
Norah: Set in a small remote Saudi Arabian village, in the 90s when artistic expression was banned, Norah is a story about the basic human need to communicate through art, in all its forms. Nader, a new schoolteacher and an artist in secret, arrives at the village and meets Norah, a young woman who ignites the creativity inside him and inspires him to paint again. At great risk, they develop a delicate connection and a quiet bond. Nader enlightens Norah on the wider world outside of her tiny community and she realizes she must leave, to find a place where she can be free to express herself.

Genre: Drama/ Romance

Country: Saudi Arabia

Language: Arabic, Subtitled in English


Anatomy of a Fall:  For the past year, Sandra, her husband Samuel, and their eleven-year-old son Daniel have lived a secluded life in a remote town in the French Alps. When Samuel is found dead in the snow below their chalet, the police question whether he was murdered or committed suicide. Samuel’s suspicious death is presumed murder, and Sandra becomes the main suspect. What follows is not just an investigation into the circumstances of Samuel’s death but an unsettling psychological journey into the depths of Sandra and Samuel’s conflicted relationship.

Genre: Crime/Thriller

Country: France

Language: French, Subtitled in English & Arabic
