
Registration open. 

What if strawberries were blue? Or salmon was grey? Perhaps cheeseburgers were sweet? Or soups were firm and crunchy? How would we experience our favorite foods if they didn’t look or feel the same as we expect? 

Join food researcher and innovator Mawadah Bajrai as she delves into the fascinating world of sensory sciences to study how our senses inform the way we relate to everyday staples. Drawing on Hayy Arts inaugural exhibition ‘Staple: What is on your plate?‘, this workshop invites participants to consider the ethical applications of this science, from marketing products to exploring the future of food security. 

The workshop includes a series of experiments and tasting exercises.


About the Instructor 

Mawadah Bajrai is a Saudi food innovator and food sciences communicator focused on research, innovation and education. She gained her bachelor’s degree in food innovation from the Technological University Dublin. During her time at university, she developed a training protocol for a sensory analysis method, which earned her the Redbrooks Best Food Innovation Research Award. Nominee and winner of the 2019 Saudi FDA Digital Food and Drug Incubator Hackathon and co-author in a scientific publication, Mawadah believes that the true value of knowledge lies in sharing it. Food is a source of joy and nutrition, and Mawadah strives to bridge the gap between the science of food and the art of cooking.
