Road Marking
An extraordinary event
Untitled (All is well)
To My Brother
This Whole Time There Were No Landmines
Composition for a Public Park
Blue Velvet
Emergent Structures: Relative Noise, Planar Landscape and Capital Mass
Sama/Ma’as – Helim/Meleh (Dream/Salt)
Sama/Ma’as - Bahr/Harb (Sera/Wa)
My specialty was to make a peasants’ haircut, but they obliged me work till midnight often
Food for Thought 7100
Food for Thought, Al-Muallaqat 4
Formation III: The Dappled Light of the Sun
Fold (45º directional light source), December 22, 2006, Santa Clarita, California, Ilford Multigrade Fiber IV
Mycelium Running
Acrylic on Scratched Paper
Second Hand Information
I was actually thinking of someone else
For the sake of the exhibition
Barren Land
Darkness Falls on 6a Manik Bungalow Om Siddharal society Hrishiwan Borivali east Mumbai 400066
Behind the Sun
Steel Rings (from the series The Shortest Distance Between Two Points)
Interior yet Exterior, Manmade yet Natural
Contrary Life: A Botanical Light Garden Devoted to Trees
Study for a Garden
Drawing #128
Drawing #126
The Falcon and The Bandit
Chapter 6 (from the Secession Series: The Tempest)
Talismanic Fragments
Istanbul I
Flower Drill
PraySway (brown)